Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Second Graders and Halloween

I asked second graders today what they are going to be dressing up as for Halloween.

Boy: “I'm going to be Clone Commander Cody from Star Wars the Clone Wars."

Boy: "A silver bullet.”

Boy: “I'm a werewolf with a human shirt and scratched jeans. I'm starting to scratch holes in them every day now so they are ready for trick or treating. See how they look?”
He points to the knees of his jeans. I can see the start of faint worn marks.
Nurse Ehop: “Your Mom isn't going to like you putting holes in your jeans will she?”
Boy: “I know, but the holes are important! I'll just stick them back together afterwards.”

Boy: “My whole family are going trick or treatin. I'm gonna be Goosebumps and all my family is going to be living dummies.”

Boy: “I'm going to be a red and yellow iron man with a big candy bag.”

Boy: “I'm gonna be a pillow case.”
Nurse Ehop: “A pillow case! Why did you pick that?”
Boy: “Cause I'm weird!!”

Boy: “Me, well, I was a gangster last year. But this time I'm gonna be a Zombie Gangster! That means I will walk the street and howl. WOOOOO. See?”
Meanwhile a litttle kindergarten boy sat here in my office listening to this and began to cry.
Nurse Ehop: “See, all you big kids are scaring this little boy.”
The kindergartener was crying louder now. I went over to console him.
Nurse Ehop: “Don't be afraid, they won't hurt you.
Kindergarten Boy: “My belly hurts!”

Yes, I know. Most of the time the conversations that happen in my office make little to no sense!

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