Friday, October 10, 2008

Friday is not Always Fun Day

Friday is test day and the children flee to my office in droves. These days can be just as tough as Mondays. The kids show up with a variety of somatic problems ranging from blistering math headaches to pre-science class stomach aches. Most demand that being sent home is the only sure cure.

The trick on these days is to catch the fakers and whisk them back to their tests. The easiest way to catch them is to leave the room with some sort of business to attend. I give the kids a few moments then I peek back around the corner. Sure enough a handful of the kids are up from their cots playing around.

No one lies to Nurse Ehop. They learn this early and they all know that if they lie to me they will not be believed or trusted the rest of their elementary school career. Which, if you remember as a child, feels like eternity!

I do feel sorry for some of the younger children. They get so upset taking test sometimes that they wet their pants. They come and whisper in my ear. I select some dry cloths from my pile, take their hand and inconspicuously head to the bathroom to change them. Three incidents already today. My pile of extra cloths is getting low this week.

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