Monday, October 13, 2008

Hard Earned Money

I took a Monday survey today and asked the kids, "Did you do anything to earn an allowance this weekend or did you just play?"

Boy (3rd grade): I don’t get one. I don’t do anything. I just watch SpongeBob on TV.

Boy (3rd grade): What’s an allowance?

Girl (3rd grade): I get three dollars for doing dishes and laundry.

Boy (2nd grade) Yes, I do and I get almost ten dollars fer my dog’s appointments every day. He has to go to the doctor every day because he eats too much and the doctor has to check him up.

Boy (1st grade): I’m not allowance to play my puter games cuz I didn’t do my homework.

Girl (1st grade): I get lowences for making my room look nice.

Girl (1st grade): My daddy gives me a nickel when I have to get stuff for him.
So I asked, “What kind of stuff?”
Girl: Oh, the paper, a drink of water, beer, snacks. I have lots of nickels but my Mommy says no more nickels.

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