Monday, October 6, 2008

It's Monday!

It’s Monday and that can mean only one thing around my office. Kids, lots of kids, grumpy and tired. Monday’s are like the full moon of the school days. Kids are just getting use to playing and staying up a little later on the weekend and then Sunday night rolls along. Getting to bed early is a bit more difficult after being keyed up all weekend. Having less sleep then usual on Monday mornings kids are crawling out of bed late and may be too tired to eat a good breakfast.

This is where I come in. My name is Nurse Ehop. I work in the trenches. The walking wounded pour into my office. Juice, Juice, the cry goes out. We need more juice. Strewn across the cots the casualties are pumped full of juice. Each ward being carefully cross matched to the proper juicy juice box flavor, slowly they revive. The vacant look gone from their eyes they are released back to duty. Reluctantly they head back to the frontlines. Some the call of duty is Science, some English and others….MATH! My job complete, I sit back to tell my diary their stories, until, the next wave.

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