Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Get the Morning Started Right!

Once again I had an audience of Kindergarteners and First Graders in my office. I am always interested to find out if they ate a good breakfast before coming to school. I posed this question to them, "What do you eat for breakfast in the morning?".

"I eat Apperjacks and Cherrios all mixed up."

"Today I had pancakes with white yogurt."

"My Dad made my breakfast fer me. He made me China chicken and rice."

"Bread and grits."

"We had bread and salami with with this green stuff on top."

"I was eating cereal and my booger fell in it."

"I had a samuch with stuff in it. Like soft stuff and I didn't like it."

"A hamburger, it tasted like macaroni and cheese so I opened it up to see and yep, it had cheese in it."

"A burger, and then I threw it up."

"I had a stanwich with pickles. Then I bit it with my teeth and said, OH, WHAT IS THIS?"

"I had a hot fire burrito with chicken and ketshup and it made my mouth very hot. NO MORE OF THEM FER ME!"

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Who's the Boss?

Kindergarten and first graders where in and out of my office all day today. I posed this question to them, "Who is the boss in your house and why?".

"My Dad , cause he has the most money. He bought everything."

"My Dad's the boss.....he's a good boss. He don't say nuthin, he just watches T.V."

"My Dad's the boss because he doesn't know how to cook and he won't learn how cause he said he'll get burnt. He's very smart nurse, ain't he?"

"My Dad's the boss because he's big, very big."

"My Mom is the boss of our house. She bosses my Dad around all day. Once she said, CLEAN THE TOILET!"

"My Mom is bossy. We run when she hollars."

"Actually it's my Mother. She wants everything perfect."

"It ain't me. But I wish it was cause I don't like to do nuthin."

"It's my Mom. She says to my Dad and us, "you clean the room and cook""

"My Mom and Dad are bosses cause they wanna be."

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Marriage for Many Reasons

For today's survey I asked a group of little kids "Why did your Dad marry your Mom?". And the answers:

"Because my Dad said, Oh yer pretty, let's get married."

"I don't know why cause my Dad never been to collage."

"Because they like together, I still remember that."

"My Mom was a disco and so was my Dad... Nurse, what's disco mean?"

"Well, ---my Dad was a magician and he was gonna make my Mom disappear if she didn't."

"Cause somebody she know'd didn't give her his phone number, so she married my Dad instead."

"Cause they are valentines."

"I don't know if my Mom married my Dad or If my Dad married my Mom. I think they did it though."

"My Dad married my Mom. He said my Mom is very lucky he married her."

"I think my Mom married my Dad cause he's always fixin her car."

"My Dad married my Mom cause she's tiny. He has his own business in Myjamie (i.e. Miami). He puts stickers on chickens."