Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Marriage for Many Reasons

For today's survey I asked a group of little kids "Why did your Dad marry your Mom?". And the answers:

"Because my Dad said, Oh yer pretty, let's get married."

"I don't know why cause my Dad never been to collage."

"Because they like together, I still remember that."

"My Mom was a disco and so was my Dad... Nurse, what's disco mean?"

"Well, ---my Dad was a magician and he was gonna make my Mom disappear if she didn't."

"Cause somebody she know'd didn't give her his phone number, so she married my Dad instead."

"Cause they are valentines."

"I don't know if my Mom married my Dad or If my Dad married my Mom. I think they did it though."

"My Dad married my Mom. He said my Mom is very lucky he married her."

"I think my Mom married my Dad cause he's always fixin her car."

"My Dad married my Mom cause she's tiny. He has his own business in Myjamie (i.e. Miami). He puts stickers on chickens."

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