Friday, December 5, 2008

State of Mind

You never know what to expect right after lunch. The best you can do is to finish your light entree on the early side of the lunch period and then spend the remaining time in deep meditation. I prefer the vipassana technique. I was enlightened by this technique on a soul searching journey in the mountains of Tibet (ok, so I googled it and watch a youtube video on the technique, same difference). The goal is to steel your mind for what is to come….

I was just surfacing from my meditative state and uncurling my body from the lotus position when I heard the hurried steps coming towards my office. With one last deep breath I awoke my senses fully to the smell of band-aids and cough syrup as the two second grade boys burst into my office.

“Jimmy pooped in the cafeteria!” Randall reporting loudly for everyone to hear.

“No! No I didn’t,” Jimmy rebuffed the allegation. “I puked cause I was eating to fast! I’m Ok, I’m OK. Nurse, it’s time for recess. Kin I go now?”

Randall would have no part of this explanation. “He pooped in the garbage can! When they empty it they’ll know it cause it smelt like poop.”

“Did not, did not,” Randall continued his defense. “Someone was spittin in their hands so I puked. I’m OK now. Kin I go to recess?”

“You puked, maybe I should take your temperature.” I said.

“Please Nurse, I’m missin recess. I’m no allowed to miss recess or I’ll get a failure on my report!”

I didn’t want to be responsible for a failure. Whether it was poop or puke that ended up in that garbage can he looked fine to me. I said go to recess and he and his prosecutorial friend went running off, all smiles, like the wind.

That little scene depleted more steel from my mind then I thought. Let’s see, assume lotus position, head back, eyes closed, ummmmmmmmmmmm……..

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